Friday, August 12, 2011

the riots

Birmingham riot flared after Muslims were urged to confront right-wing protests




British Defence league

Birmingham’s top Muslim leader urged his followers to “vent their feelings” against anti-Islamic protesters during a weekend rally that ended in violence and dozens of arrests, The Times can reveal.

Muslims were encouraged by the Birmingham Central Mosque to counter-demonstrate during Saturday’s protest in the city, which was organised by the right-wing English Defence League (EDL). It is understood that Muslims were encouraged to confront the protest against the advice given by the West Midlands Police to community leaders to stop their followers from attending.

Mohammad Naseem, Birmingham Central Mosque’s chairman, considered to be the most senior community leader in the West Midlands region, told The Times yesterday that he encouraged members of his congregation to attend the rally, at which about 80 people were arrested, to express the Islamic community’s solidarity.

Pro- Islamics




Clueless left-wingers


The anti-racist guys just don't get it!! And so those with a radical Islamic agenda simply tag along!!

Dr Naseem’s advice came less than a month after Muslims of predominantly Asian heritage clashed with the EDL in Birmingham at another antiIslamic rally that led to 35 arrests.

He said the presence of Muslims at the weekend protest was an important stand against anti-Islamic fascists. “I think it shows that the community has got a sense of cohesion,” he added.

The police used their batons to subdue the violent crowd of more than 200 people, predominantly aged between 16 and 36, who threw bottles at each other and exchanged punches.

They could not stop the clash between the two groups despite initially containing them to two separate locations in the city. It is believed that half of those arrested were counter-protesters.


"Far-Righters" who support Israel - the world must be changing!



The Times understands that the West Midlands police received assurances from Muslim leaders during numerous meetings in the past two weeks that their community members would be discouraged from attending the protest, which the EDL had announced at the August 8 demonstration in Birmingham.


We should all be asking where are the churches in the Islamic world ~

“The police had a lot of engagement with mosques, youth workers and social workers, and a lot of work went on to encourage people to stay away and not attend,” police sources said. “But it is obviously difficult to stop kids going and their presence alone would be deemed provocative.”

Asked if it would have been a better idea to encourage Muslims not to attend the rally at all, Dr Naseem said: “The thing is, that is their right, I cannot say, ‘You don’t have this right’.”

But Dr Naseem emphasised that his followers were told not to attend the rally alone but to form allegiances with other counter-demonstrators such as socialist groups and members of other religious denominations.

He also said that Muslims were told to attend only after he was assured by police that protesters and counter-protesters would congregate at different locations.

He said: “If it was kept as originally intended, then everybody would have had a chance to give vent to their feelings without coming into contact with each other. And that I will take up with the police.”

West Midlands police stand accused of failing to manage the protest despite obtaining a Section 14 authorisation from the Home Office under the Public Order Act to arrest anyone who breached the conditions of the demonstration.

The order enabled the police to nominate the protest’s location, the maximum number of activists and the time length of the event.

But what was planned as a two-hour “stationary protest”, which could not be legally banned by the Birmingham City Council or the police, turned into a scene of chaos and disorder after the rival groups clashed.

Protesters were told to stay at Lancaster Circus while the rival rally was organised to take place at Old Square.

Put the women in burqas - brigade member


It is understood that small pockets made up of 20 or so protesters and counter-demonstrators began to form away from allocated areas. It wasn’t long before the rivals began feuding and police began making arrests.

Birmingham City Council last night praised the police for their “successful” management of the event.

“Birmingham City Council fully endorses [the] action taken by the West Midlands Police on Saturday and will continue to work in partnership with the police, retailers and other partners to ensure the safety of Birmingham’s residents and visitors, and continue to support the retail economy,” a spokeswoman said.

But others, including Labour MP Khalid Mahmood, were not so complimentary and accused the police of failing to prevent the clash. “Police have had four weeks to plan for this but they have failed innocent members of the public in Birmingham city centre,” Mr Mahmood said.

“It has been a complete mess in terms of policing. The force needs to look at things at the highest level.

London Riots in 2011 Could Lead to Social Media Ban

British Prime Minister David Cameron is looking into the possibility of banning people from using social media if they are suspected of using the tools for plotting criminal activities.
"We are working with the police, the intelligence services and industry to look at whether it would be right to stop people communicating via these Web sites and services when we know they are plotting violence, disorder and criminality," said Cameron on Thursday.
BBC News reported that three people have been arrested on suspicion of using social networking sites to enflame a riot in Southampton. Furthermore, Hampshire Police said two people were arrested on Wednesday evening over messages sent via Twitter, and a third on suspicion of using the BlackBerry Messenger Service, or BBM, to stimulate violent disorder, according to BBC.
Cameron on Wednesday said every contingency is being looked at to restore law and order following an outbreak of riots in London. He added that picture by picture the criminals are being identified and arrested.
"We will not allow a culture of fear to exist on our streets," Cameron said in a speech posted on his Web site. "And we will do whatever it takes to restore law and order and to rebuild our communities."

London Riots Illustrate the Decline and Fall of Britain

Liberalism is a disease that attacks the moral backbone of a civilization, rotting it into a putrescent jelly that cannot hold society erect. At that point it collapses. This is happening now in Britain, which was one of the greatest nations in history within the memory of many still living today.
Anarchists today broke away from one of the largest protests Britain has ever seen to bring chaos to the streets of London.
The Ritz hotel and Fortnum & Mason were among the buildings targeted in the capital after groups of rampaging youths intent on spreading havoc left the mass anti-cuts demonstration.
Around 500,000 activists and campaigners descended on London this morning to protest at the Government's drastic cuts programme.
The cuts were as inevitable as the riots. As the last great British leader Margaret Thatcher observed, "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. "
Here's what liberalism looks like when it reaches full flower:
london riot

london riot
london riot

london riot
The white stuff is paint. The cockroaches with the masks are the result of generations that were never expected to take any responsibility for their own parasitical existences. They are Britain's post-civilization future, bred by the Dole.
Next comes authoritarian collectivism, a totalitarian form of serfdom.
If this could happen to Britain, it could happen to America — and it will, if the disease is not cured quickly.
On a tip from mega.
Police in central London are on alert for possible further unrest after a day of violent protests by G20 demonstrators.

Around lunchtime, riot police had to be sent in after activists attacked a uniformed officer and stormed a branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland in the City, London's financial district.
A handful of people with black scarves obscuring their faces and hoods over their heads smashed a hole in the windows with a metal pole and crawled in.
Protesters removed equipment, painted graffiti on the walls, threw a chair through a window and started a small fire.
Police entered the branch at around 2 p.m. and shortly afterwards began driving demonstrators away from the Threadneedle Street branch, which had earlier been closed by RBS.
Officers on foot backed up by mounted officers lined up outside the building as smoke bombs were thrown by a baying crowd. At least one police officer was hurt as the RBS branch became a riotlondon riotlondon riotlondon riotlondon riot

London riot victim clings to life

A 68-year-old man remains in a critical condition in hospital after suffering serious head injuries in London during the riots this week.
He was set upon as he tried to stamp out a fire on Monday night.
Scotland Yard on Wednesday said the man was attacked at about 10.45pm on a road in Ealing, west London, after remonstrating with teenagers who were setting fire to two industrial bins outside a shopping centre.
Officers who went to the aid of the victim, thought to be a local man, were pelted with missiles.
Detective Chief Inspector John McFarlane said: "I need the assistance of the community who may have witnessed the attack on this innocent man, to come forward and provide information or images they may have recorded on mobile devices.
"This information could be crucial in bringing those responsible for this terrible crime to justice."
He said the victim was "violently assaulted and knocked to the ground" as he tried to extinguish the fire, and added: "Police officers who were under attack by the mob drove them away and pulled the victim to relative safety and rendered first aid with the assistance of members of the public in an attempt to save his life.
"Again I urge these people to speak to us as they may have valuable information."
Police have released CCTV footage of a man suspected of carrying out the attack.
Insp McFarlane said: "Through CCTV we have identified a strong suspect. I know that on seeing these images of him people will be able to identify him.
"If you know who this man is please contact my incident room. If you are this man in the CCTV, do the decent thing and give yourself up."
A still image of a potential witness has also been released by the force.

Police in central London are on alert for possible further unrest after a day of violent protests by G20 demonstrators.
Around lunchtime, riot police had to be sent in after activists attacked a uniformed officer and stormed a branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland in the City, London's financial district.
A handful of people with black scarves obscuring their faces and hoods over their heads smashed a hole in the windows with a metal pole and crawled in.
Protesters removed equipment, painted graffiti on the walls, threw a chair through a window and started a small fire.
Police entered the branch at around 2 p.m. and shortly afterwards began driving demonstrators away from the Threadneedle Street branch, which had earlier been closed by RBS.
Officers on foot backed up by mounted officers lined up outside the building as smoke bombs were thrown by a baying crowd. At least one police officer was hurt as the RBS branch became a liots 2011

london liots 2011london liots 2011london liots 2011london liots 2011london liots 2011london liots 2011london liots 2011london liots 2011

london riot

london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots
london riots london riotslondon riots

london riots